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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Stop Underestimating Yourself

We all have those moments of reflections when we 'scold' ourselves saying 'I wish I had done that' 'I should have just done it' 'I could've done it.'  The majority of the times if we had went and ahead and did that positive 'something' we would be further along in life than we are now.  We underestimate our abilities and therefore we remain in our comfort zone. Sometimes our comfort zone becomes uncomfortable because it's time to move to the next level.

In all of our lives there has been a strong desire to do something positive that would make things better for ourselves and others but we let complacency, fear and self-doubt become our thought pattern instead of confidence and determination. Often times I reflect on how much further I would be if I had not doubted myself. In 1996 I attended cosmetology school and got my license, but was afraid to work in a salon, because I wasn't confident in my abilities, although I had practice on the school's salon floor and I would do my friends' hair. My first thoughts were negative 'what if I cut someone's hair and they don't like it.  I can't glue their pieces of hair back on.' I also attended real estate classes in which I did finish the class, but I never sat for the State exam. When I was looking for employment, I would see job descriptions where I didn't have the skills they were looking for but I knew I could definitely learn. Then I had to remind myself that I am capable of accomplishing great things and moving mountains.  I reminded myself of when I was attending my old church how I executed a tutoring program.  I wrote the policies,  I put together the lessons and ran the program. We also had an abstinence program and I did research to find materials for that program. I remembered writing the church vision that included everything we wanted to do to submit to a major company asking for a grant.  Then I thought about how when we relocated I drove a 17 foot U-haul truck, filled to capacity from Milwaukee, WI to North Carolina. I reminded myself of when my sister and I went to Milwaukee to surprise my mother for mother's day.  I drove to Georgia from North Carolina and then to Milwaukee, 16 hours on the road, yes I did all of the driving there and back. I had to remind myself that I have more abilities in me than I give myself credit for.

There are a lot of people who have those 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' moments. The reality of it is that you didn't, but you must have a forward thinking mind. Yes, we all could have been further along in life,if we had just stepped out on faith, but everyday is a new day to move forward. Those opportunities just may present themselves again, but we can't sit around waiting, wishing, and wondering. We must keep moving forward. All hope is never lost. Everyday is a new day to take advantage of an opportunity or create one. Stay Positive, Be Encouraged. Your latter will be greater than your former.                                   

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