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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Today IS a great day!

Greetings to my awesome and fabulous readers! I hope you are having a great Tuesday. Today was productive and now I'm so ready for a nap. Finally got my big girl enrolled in her new school, got her classes set up so she is ready to go. I wish my little miss was ready to go somewhere at least half of the day, but I won't complain. I get to experience all of those cute little moments she has like painting her nails, pouring a bunch of hot sauce on her food and best of all getting into the toothpaste and have it going up her arm. I tell you they cannot be left unattended for two seconds. But my favorite moments are when she breaks out in a praise, a praise dance or a church song. Her grandmother said she was going to be a church girl and I think she is well on her way. She loves going to church. Anytime we are in the car and although she can't tell time or understand the duration of time, a long ride in the car means we are going to church. It's those moments that make me glad to be an at home mom.

Well fabulous readers I have taken the bull by the horns and taken a leap of faith to take advantage of a great work at home opportunity.  The name of the company is
Xpress Healthcare™ (It is NOT insurance). I found it on which is an excellent website for those searching for work at home jobs/business opportunities. After doing extensive research of the products they had to offer and researching the business itself, I decided to join. I only paid 9.97 for a 14-day trial. I must say they offer amazing plans at very affordable prices. People are going to be able to save a lot of money, and with the Affordable Health Care Act coming into play, a lot of people are going to need help.
Click on the link and check out my website. There's a wealth of information there. Take your time and send me an email if you're interested.
I've done quite a bit today. I think it's time for a nap.
Until next post, Be Blessed, Stay Positive, Be Encouraged!

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