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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pace Yourself!!

Greetings to all on this GREAT Wednesday evening. 

I've been away for a while, but I'm picking myself up and pressing on. Anyone who has read any of my posts knows that I only intend to speak from the heart when I'm trying to encourage or uplift someone. I tell people that sometimes you have to encourage yourself because not everyone is going to understand you purpose or journey and it's not for them to understand it. They can't fulfill your purpose for you, nor can they travel your journey in your place. I do my best to speak the truth, especially when it comes to myself and I know that I have to stop procrastinating because my testimony is needed. Whether you want to know where I have been or not, I'm going to tell you anyway, because while my story may not apply to you, it may help someone else. The truth of why I've been away is because I was BURNED OUT! It wasn't due to being extremely busy although my toddler does keep me busy, but the truth is I burned myself out! When I first started my home-based businesses, I would work from about 9am to midnight EVERYDAY and even on some weekends! I won't necessarily say this is a bad thing, because it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice to build any business. You're trying to make a big wave in a sea of hundreds of thousands of home based businesses by making your presence known. You're trying to brand yourself and stand out in the crowd, but the thing we must realize is the world wasn't built in one day and neither will your business, I don't care how many thousands of dollars you are promised to make within a week. You still have to let people know that you are there, they still have to click your link, they still have to sign up. I'm not saying it's impossible, just know you will certainly WORK! Operating a home business is great! It provides a lot of freedom that we all want and need, but in order to maintain that freedom, our businesses must grow and produce 'financial fruit.' I know some may say, well that's negative. Well some things are not negative but just truth! I realized I had burned myself out when I seen a post on my FB Newsfeed. It was a quote by Oprah, I can't remember the exact quote but she was saying we have to take time to recharge our battery. If we keep going without taking time to recharge we will loose our momentum, which is true ESPECIALLY if our business or businesses didn't yield the way we wanted it to.  When I read this, it was like a light bulb had went off in my brain. So that's the problem Carla 'you burned yourself out.' If you want to get the maximum use out of your light bulbs, every once in a while you will need to turn the light OFF! By doing this you can extend the life of the bulb. When operating a business or businesses, sometimes you have step back, take a break, go for a walk, grab a snack, read an article or a book, get on the computer and do some non-business related things, schedule your blog posts a few hours in advance. The bottom line is, you have to take the time to recharge or else you will just burn out. I can admit it. I didn't want to read or post any blogs, I didn't want to advertise, I didn't even want to get on the computer. I would get on my phone and post a few things or share a few stats, but I really didn't do anything business related. Did I fail? Absolutely not! Now that I know what the issue is, I know how to go about regrouping. It may feel like I'm starting over, but that's okay. I know I need to pace myself and more importantly take the time recharge! 

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