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Monday, September 16, 2013

Taking Action In Spite of Opposition

Mark 5:25-30

This story is one that so many of us can relate to. This woman had this sickness for all of these years. She went from doctor to doctor, spending all of her money and still, her condition did not change. But when she heard of Jesus being in the city, she had already purposed in her heart that He could heal her. I imagine when she saw the crowd of people around Him, she had to wonder how am I going to get past all of these people?  But she knew and had faith that if she could just touch the hem of his garment, she could be healed.  She didn’t need to shake His hand of give Him a hug, but just a touch of the hem of his cloak was all that she needed.
I also like this story because it shows that although the crowd would be a challenge, she didn’t turn around and go the other way. She did not give this crowd ‘giant status’, she did what was necessary to get her healing. She could have easily said ‘well, it’s so many people out here, I’ll just come back later on today or I’ll just come back tomorrow.’ Absolutely not! She made her way through the crowd. She took action in spite of the opposition.

This is the attitude we must take when it comes to fulfilling our destiny and building our business or businesses. We will face opposition. People may say it’s not going to work, you’re wasting your time. You need to just leave that alone and find you a ‘real job.’ When you hear these things, what do you do? Do you say well, maybe you’re right. I should just leave it alone and do something else. They’re probably right, it may not work, or do you immediately counteract their remarks with whatever it takes, I’m going to pursue this because I believe in it. I have faith that it CAN and WILL work. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. I came up with a theory about the Algebra of Life: In order to get from A to Z, you must fulfill the requirements of B through Y. You know where you are now and you know where you’re trying to go but in order to get there it’s going to take work. You are going to have to press, push, research, pray, cry, scream, but keep your eye on the prize. 
Until Next Post, Be Blessed, Be Inspired, Be Encouraged, Be Positive, Be Grateful!
Yes. I will succeed. Why? Because, i'm crazy enough to think that I can.

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