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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Not My Usual Post-But A Good Read: S A G G I N

This is a post that I posted on my FB notes recently. It's not my usual post, but I'm sure that some of you will agree with me.

Can Someone Answer This Question?
by Carla Mason-Dubose
on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 11:43am · This is something that has had me puzzled since it began. SAGGING PANTS!!! I'll never understand, and perhaps somebody, anybody, can help me understand why this will not die! I refuse to call it fashion or stylish, because it certainly is neither. I recently visited Atlanta and had the privilege of visiting the church where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached, Ebenezer Baptist Church. It was a great experience to sit in the church where a great man stood, fighting for equality for our people, for all people. I also visited the King Center, where the had displayed various photos from that era. Just from that experience, it caused me to reflect on how so many of our people, even before Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks fought, marched, were put in jail, and brutalized so that we could walk with our heads held high with integrity, with dignity. They fought for us to have opportunities to educate ourselves and our children and have the chance to become productive people of society. They fought so we could travel the world, learn about different things and put this knowledge to use so that we can be enlightened and aware of what is going on around us and learn new things. But over the years, it seems like the fight and the struggles that were endured is constantly being trampled under the feet of those that don't understand, don't want to understand or who have not been enlightened or made aware of how awesome, smart and intelligent they are and how successful they can be.They don't understand what was established in them before the foundation of the world.
From that introduction, I just want to know why in world do our young men AND women sag their pants below their butt!! This is the most idiotic, asinine, form of wearing clothes I have ever seen. First of all, it is something that started in prison. The men wear their pants low to let the other prisoners know, their butt is available. This brings me to my first question-why in the world do you want to follow something that is associated with prison life?! I don't care if you have been to jail before, why do you want to continue to do things that represent that life. Another thing that puzzles me is, why do you want to walk like you've had an accident in your pants? Why do you wear a belt to keep you pants below your behind? Why do you wear pants that's two sizes too big knowing they are going to fall down? Why do you want to walk down the street holding your pants up? Has their self esteem become so low and are they so beaten down that you feel like you have to follow something that is associated with such negativity? Does how low you wear your pants determine how low your self esteem or self worth is? Why do you want to show your undergarments? That is NOT for everyone to see. I especially can't understand it when women do it. You may call yourself a stud, but the truth is, I doubt you have a penis, just because you sag your pants and wear boxers. It's ugly, and I believe if Malcolm X or Martin Luther King were alive they would wonder, is this what we gave our lives for? Is this the generation of people that is supposed to be the future. It doesn't make you look cool, and it for darn sure is not sexy! There is NO way my husband can walk down the street with me with his pants sagging. Come on people, stop following the crowd, and with sagging your pants, you look foolish, right along with the crowd. I've even seen a couple of guys sagging their pants in CHURCH! Are you serious, in the church?! I saw a woman walking with her son, and his pants were sagging and they looked dirty. If I owned a business, and I believe one day I will, there is no way you would work for me with your pants hanging off your behind. You are a representative of me and my company and you will not represent me in a way.Even the young ladies who tolerate this form of wearing clothing puzzle me as to why they think that is cute. You're walking down the street with your boyfriend and he got is underwear showing, and some of them look very 'unkept'.
I'm not saying that everyone who sags their pants is a drug dealer, or in a gang, or is telling the world 'my butt is available for the taking', but if that's not who you are, then why are you doing something that represents those attributes or that lifestyle, yet you don't want to be judged in that manner. The truth is, people are STILL being judged based on their appearance before you can even say 'hello', but you want to blame society or 'the man' for your state of living. I'm not saying it's easy to get ahead. The truth is, it does take hard work and some people have to work harder than others. Inequality still exists. Injustice still exists and Lord knows racism is definitely alive. I'm saying the opportunity is there. Our ancestors fought and died for us to have those opportunities. Honestly, there is NO excuses. We don't have to sneak off to learn how to read or write any more for fear that we may get beaten. There's millions of educational opportunities available across the world. I don't care where you've come from, how you were raised, where you were raised, where you've been or who you've been with. I don't care if you started and then fell off the path. Get up, get back on it. Someone is waiting to hear what you have to say. Our experiences are not just for us, but somebody needs to hear it.
It's time to move forward in the future. You hold that key. Use your talents and gifts to teach others and lead others in the right direction. Use your tests and trials to point someone in the right direction. If anyone is reading this, you may not agree with everything I have said, but I know you have got to agree that it's time to be different, PULL YOUR PANTS UP! Hold your head up and march forward.


  1. Hi Carla, this is a great post. Our children do not think for themselves, and some of us adults don't either. I was talking to my baby brother the other day about fashion and style and this is what he said... "Everybody wants to where what other people think is cool, thats just the way it is". My brother will so-call like something one day, and if lil wayne stops wearing it, he will stop wearing it, and now he does not like it, stupid right? He will buy things not because he likes it, but because somebody else likes it. Every time I talk to him, he mentions Everybody else, but not himself. I cannot for the life of me get him to see that its about him. Its that FOLLOW THE LEADER mentality.

  2. That is so true. Nobody wants to stand out especially if they are going to appear to be a ' nerd' or a 'geek'. They need to understand while you calling me a geek, I'm preparing myself for a better chance to make something of myself. They don't want to dare to be different. Why follow something that's associated with something so negative that will decrease their chances of getting ahead. If their underwear get snagged on a nail, that's it 'a**'out! You're right, if these rappers pull their pants up, just maybe the rest will follow. It's such a shame that our youth and some grown folks are like puppets on a string.
