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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Randomly Speaking

HELLO FABULOUS READERS!! I hope you are having an awesome weekend. If not, you got one day left to make it a great weekend.

It's a reality check moment for me. I got my daughter's high school class schedule in the mail today. She is officially going to be a high school student in a couple of weeks. Such a bittersweet moment. Time went by so fast.

I Really Am From The Midwest!
Was talking to my coworkers yesterday and somehow we got on the subject of accents. My coworker and others have told me I sound like I'm from down south. I said no, born and raised by country people in Chicago. My family roots as far as I know are in Arkansas. So I started talking about pear preserves, fried apples, elderberry and Polkberry wine. So my coworker says, you sure you not from L.A.- lower Alabama? I was just raised by country people. I think my 'accent' has gotten a little more southern since I've been in the south, but I'm a city girl. Even my husband jokes and says I'm from Mississippi. : )

Oh My Goodness Moments
I know we have all had them. Lord knows I have had plenty! My most recent one, which was today, my baby threw my phone on the ground, I guess she was done with it and I was talking and forgot about it. Came in the house and left my phone outside! Glad I realized it within a few minutes and ran back out to get it.

Next, when I left my purse at work and didn't realize it until I got off the train at my stop. Wallet and everything in the drawer at work. I was so glad the train man wasn't checking tickets that day. That would have been a $50.00 fine for a 1.75 ride.

Next, left the curling iron on. I know we've all done this one, or the iron. is having a back to school sale until August 24th. Get in those awesome sales!

Well beautiful people, I'm going to catch me a movie while the hubby grill some steaks.

Have a WONDERFUL weekend. Be Blessed, Be Safe, and Smile!!

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