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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Love Music!

So I'm going to learn how to play an instrument!  HELLO FABULOUS READERS! I hope your week is off to a great start. If not, the week isn't over yet.

So, I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano/keyboard. I did take music class waaaaaaayyyyy back in high-school, but that was it. Over the weekend, my beautiful mother-in-law blessed us with a keyboard! We also have a DVD for learning to play the piano and the other one was learning to play the bass. My hubby plays the bass, which I picked up once and he was showing me some notes, but maybe I'll learn that later. I watched part of the DVD and took some notes. Honestly, after he got to a certain point, I was totally lost, tired and ready to go to bed.  Not to mention my baby was sleepy and for some reason instead of just going to sleep, she has to do anything and everything to stay awake. She's a professional sleep fighter, but she always ends up giving in, usually an hour after she should be sleep.

What I noticed about myself is that I'm a more hands on person and watching this guy teach some of the basics had me as confused as that fly on Family Guy who can't understand to just fly through the open window. Yesterday after I got home, I sat down and started playing some of the Major Scales. The more I did it, the better and easier it become. I figure if I practice for at least 1-2 hours a day, I should get pretty good. I just have to be consistent. The baby loves to play too. I don't know what she's playing, but all she knows is that it's making a musical sound. So I'm going to be taking this on and hopefully, I can learn enough to write some songs and my own music. Wouldn't that be nice!

Be Blessed, Be Safe and Smile!

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