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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ain't NO WAY!!!

Greetings FABULOUS readers! It's Tuesday, one day closer to Friday. Usually I go back to sleep after I get the hubby off to work and the baby off to the sitter, but I couldn't go back to sleep this morning.  Seems like I just laid there, thoughts running 300 miles per hour. So I figured what better thing to do than blog!

Listening to the news, unintentionally, this morning and I heard about the elderly bus monitor that was taunted and bullied by some middle school students until she cried. The video went viral on YouTube and people sent in $700,000 for her to take a vacation. She said she is going to start an anti-bullying foundation. Kudos to her and I really hate that she had to go through that.

First and foremost--THERE IS NO WAY IN SAM HADES I would get bullied by nobody, especially some little stinking tail middle school kids! I would have seriously lost my job because I would have put them in check real quick! What the heck is wrong with kids these days? Oh, I know, since everything that used to be discipline is now called abuse, I guess adults are supposed to stand to be disrespected by some kids and not say anything. We're supposed to just take it? I don't think so! That's the problem with alot of these kids, they feel like they don't have to respect any adults, they just as grown as you are and of course, 'you ain't my momma or my daddy' so I can do what the hell I want. Well, it starts in the home and if the parent is not teaching these kids to respect their elders, I'm sure society and the police will be glad to teach them a lesson or three. It's really sad when it seems like the children have the upper hand because they've been advised to dial 911. Well you gotta get to the phone. When I was growing up, that teacher would have straight spanked your a@@ and then you got it double time when you got home. The neighbor would have spanked your a@@ and then you got it double time when you got home. There is NO way we were allowed to disrespect grown folks. Don't get a phone call from school, you can hang it up! You a@@ is grass! You were there to pay attention to that teacher and get an education, playtime and talk time was for recess and lunch. Guess what, I turned out just fine. I've never been to jail. I've never been an alcoholic or on drugs. I didn't have my first daughter until I was 23 and 11 months. Does it make me any better than someone else, by no means. I just made the decision to listen to what I was taught. Yes, I got my behind spanked, they were far and few in between but I got them. I'm not dead, but I damn sure ain't trying to do nothing to put myself in the hospital or the grave.

I was taught, that teacher is like your parent when your parents are not around. They are responsible for you as long as you are in their class so you need to sit the hell down and listen. They got their education, you need to get yours. Some kids these days are so smart, yet so damn dumb. They are wiser yet weaker. They know so much, yet follow after any and everything. Word from the wise, if you don't teach your child respect and manners, somebody else will. Everybody is not scared of these kids thinking they big and bad and there's plenty of folks that don't mind popping off a gun, and don't think they're going always get that police officer who really wants to turn them around. True enough, some of them act like I'm big and bad, but I bet if you say, I'm going to call your mom or your dad, or I'm sending you to jail, they humble as a pit bull with no teeth. Their whole demeanor will change.

Things are really change since my school days and I really can't say it has changed for the better. You couldn't have told me twenty years ago that it would be like this. Yes I acted a certain way with my friends, but we knew our limits, because our parents didn't play that at all! I'm grateful to all of those adults that were influential in my life. I appreciate them so much. Many of them have passed on, but it was a blessing to have them around.

Well, that's my rant for the morning. I hope you all have a great day! I'll be doing some 'internet scrubbing' this week and posting some deals and giveaways that's going on around the Internet Community.


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