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Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday....Deals or Death Trap?

Hello again. This is something that has been on my mind and I figured, why not blog about it. I just want to talk about Black Friday, which has apparently been in practice for many years now. It's the day where the stores advertises all of these great deals like 'buy a 3,000 square foot house for $150.00', well maybe not a house, but, I'm sure you get my meaning. I found an interesting read about the origin of Black Friday that I would like to share with you. Here is the link

Personally I think it should be called Black and Blue Friday with the all of the fights that break out over easy bake ovens and the last 46" TV (although they only had 10 to begin with). I've heard stories of people who have gotten trampled even killed on this day trying to grab up those items that they want to give as Christmas presents that are going either end up being taken back to the store or sit on a shelf collecting dust. Personally, I would rather snag up some 'black Friday' deals online instead of taking the chance of traffic jams, being trampled or getting into a fight over that 'last' 46" TV and I'm not a violent person. This is a frenzy that I truly want to avoid.

We went to Walmart yesterday and saw some of the items that would be included in the 'black Friday deals.' They were shrink wrapped in black plastic, labeled and had the prices. Now, I'm no math genius but it looked like there was not enough of one item to accommodate all of those people. For example, they had printers on sale, well it only looked like there was maybe 30 or 40 printers to go around. There was no way there was enough to accommodate the thousands of shoppers, so now you'll have people pushing, shoving, fighting, cussing, taking items out of another person's cart (yes, it happens) and I'm sure somebody will get arrested and still won't get the items they were fighting over. People were camping out for hours at these stores to try to grab up one of 20 blenders, and heaven forbid if they wanted more than one...good luck!

So, in closing, whoever you were able to get gifts for, I hope they truly appreciate it, because if you were one of the millions of shoppers in one store, I'm sure you went through hell and desert sand to put a smile on somebody's face, and if you were getting for yourself, I would use it until it just fell apart. So, until next post.....have an AWESOME day and please be safe out there.

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