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Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Day on the Blog!

Greetings everyone! Today is my first day of launching my blog-Multitasking Mom. This is my very first time doing this so any feedback, suggestions ideas, funny stories, random thoughts, inspirations and yes even criticism are welcome! I decided to start this because well, I quit my job. OH yeah! call me crazy, but I had to get outta there. It was a call center and my goodness, I just couldn't take it anymore. I was there for three months and I tell you everyday I would seem to get depressed when I had to go in. I hated the hours and the pay was horrible. I know most of you may say well a paycheck is a paycheck and yes that's true, but my sanity is priceless. I'm also a mom of two girls 14 and 8-1/2 months and I felt like I really needed to be home at least in the evening so I could 'parent' my household. I tried very hard to stick it out at least until the end of the year, but I didn't make it.  I must say I have grateful to have an awesome fiance who is standing by me and sticking with me! We discussed it and he pretty much knew this was coming, yet being the wonderful guy that he is, we're going to walk this road together. I decided to start this blog because I know there are many out there who have to Multi-Task daily, often fulfilling the roles of mom, wife, financial advisor, cook, housekeeper, business woman, and friend in our households all at once! Hi fives to all of my multi-tasking moms out there! Ever tried to feed the baby, while typing and then the baby wants to type too; how about just when you think you've put the baby down for a nap and 'think' you're going to get some work done just for the little one to wake up 10 minutes later? Let's not even talk about trying to cook--yeah right-just when you think you've given him/her enough to stay occupied for at few minutes while you stir the rice and flour the chicken that the 'mobile monster' has crawled off somewhere unknown, spilled their food, or starts to get aggravated because after all, you're hindering their time of exploration and you start thinking things were so much easier when you just laid there and smiled at me, but when the crawling begins look out! The house becomes a daily adventure and they will try to conquer every cabinet, closet, not to mention those little pieces of lint in the carpet that only they can see. As I watch and listen to my little one playing, I'm glad that maybe I'll be at home for a little while to enjoy these moments.

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